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Personal Sessions are Currently Paused

The Transformation Center is currently undergoing a lot of exciting growth and development. During this time we are pausing personal sessions. We do not have a set date when sessions will resume, but please check back this fall, as we will make the online applications accessible when we are ready to schedule personal sessions again.


Post-Session Resources

Walking Out Your Healing

This scriptural guide will help you to walk out the healing and freedom you received during your session. We recommend becoming familiar with it and referring to it every day as you engage your session notes and other resources.

The Heart of Sonship

This resource shows you the difference between the heart of an orphan (where the enemy would like to keep you, and the heart of a son or daughter (where God wants to restore you to). It is helpful in exposing wrong mindsets and engaging with God for the divine exchange to His mindsets.

Who I Am in Christ

This resource lists powerful truths about who you are as a son or daughter of God. They all come straight from scripture and are powerful to declare over yourself as you continue to walk out the healing and freedom you received.

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